Friday, January 2, 2009

Pertaining to procrastination and neglect

Today my friend Colin wrote about neglect, among other things, on his blog. It got me to thinking. Sometimes I'll use the word "procrastination," which sounds like a form a laziness, and something everyone does. I just pass it off as "being a procrastinator" and accept it as one of my character flaws. But today Colin used the word "neglect," and I found that for me, that word has more sting to it.

Right now I have a Web site project that's already two days overdue. I say already because my timeline was initially tight, and now I've passed due. It makes me look at this habit I have of neglecting things. Be it toward my own health or exercise, the cleanliness of my living space, work projects or toward caring for those around me. Neglect is pretty commonplace in my life, and stems from selfishness, mostly. And fear, occasionally. Sometimes I'll neglect a decision because the weight of the outcome is frightening (that relates to my last post, and not really stepping out to pursue the things I want to do). Other times I'll neglect the beginning of a project because starting can be so intimidating.

Reality: Life is full of decisions, options, things that begin, and things that end. When I shy away from any of these things, it leaves me stagnated—doing nothing (except becoming a Tetris master). But I find myself choosing an alternate reality. One in which my indecisiveness and lack of self-discipline don't actually hurt me. I think I need to wake up and realize that though I'm still young, I'm not as young as I once was. Life will start. Life has started for many people around me, and yet I feel I'm leaving myself behind, choking on their dust.


Chad Estes said...

Thank you for sharing this, David. Good things for me to take to heart.

Colin Mansfield said...

David, thanks for being real buddy. You are a great friend, and I look up to you.